A Russian 88 silver and enamel box, marked Faberge (AF).…
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A Russian 88 silver and enamel box, marked Faberge (Af). attributed to Feodor Afanassiev, bearing his work masters stamp to base and underneath lid. Decorated with guilloche enamel, silver gilt embellishments, old cut diamonds, seed pearls and cabochon ruby stones and Imperial eagle to lid. Bearing Russian hallmarks to base and underneath lid. AF-some damage to enamel, some diamonds lacking. Height 6 cm. Diameter 3.9 cm. Weight 170grams

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This item has been sold, and the description, image and price are for reference purposes only.
  • Attributed - A cataloguing term where the item in the opinion of the cataloguers, is a of the period of the artist, craftsman or designer, and which probably in whole or part is the work of that person.
  • Guilloche - A form of classical decoration consisting of a repeating ornament of interlacing curved bands, sometimes forming circles, and further decorated with rosettes or other flower forms.

    The name is derived from the inventor, French engineer Guillot, who invented a mechanical method of inscribing fine repeating patterns on to metallic surfaces.

    On enamelled items with guilloche decoration, the surface is firstly engraved with the repeating pattern, and then covered with several layers of enamel, each of which is fired.

    Where the item has not been enamelled the form of decoration is usually called "engine turned".
  • A/f, as Inspected - The letters "A/F" or "as inspected" as part of a description is the cataloguer's shorthand for "all faults" or "as found", meaning the item has some type of damage or deficiency, it is of uncertain date or provenance, and/or that the seller takes no responsibility for the completeness of the item or the accuracy of the description.

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