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Published since 1985, Carter's Price Guide to Antiques & Collectables displays actual sold prices for around 484,000 items ranging in price from $5 to over $1 million, with all items fully indexed.

All about searching for Royal Doulton figurines

There have been over 4000 different models of Royal Doulton figurines manufactured to captivate collectors. Production of these figures has been from 1890s (Doulton Lambeth) through to the present day with rarity, age, theme, colour and variations of individual designer determining the value of each figure. Although Doulton had produced figures from the mid-19th century, production did not really take off until c1913 under modeller C. J. Noke, when the HN (for Harry Nixon, head of figure painting department) model numbering system was introduced for a new collection. During the 20th century production mushroomed under the guidance of Noke and Leslie Harradine.

You can locate the figurine you are looking for by entering "HN" followed by the number (no spaces) or one or more words making up the title of the figurine in the text box below.

View our searching for Royal Doulton figurines items