How to search for items

To make your searching easier, and help you locate the items you are seeking, our database is fully indexed, just like the index in a good quality text book.

When searching, we suggest you just enter a general search term, rather than being too specific and including too many words. For example if you are searching for antique brass bookends, just enter the word 'bookends', and all bookend indexes will be displayed.

If you are unable to locate an index item that matches your search, you have the option of searching for the specific item.

Where are the items included in your price guides sourced from?

The items are sourced from actual sales of antiques and collectables in Australia and New Zealand.

How often is updated?

We are constantly updating the site with fresh items, and updates occur daily and weekly depending on the frequency of sales.

What are the prices displayed based on?

Prices for all our items are the actual price paid by the seller, which is auction the hammer price plus the buyer's premium. Buyer's premium usually ranges between 15% and 25%.

Why is there a difference in prices between two similar articles?

Unlike your local supermarket, there is no one correct price for an antique or collectable item, and often there will be variations in the prices between two similar articles. Pricing can be influenced by

The prices shown are correct at the time the item was added to our database, but as our database covers several years, prices shown for an article may vary from current prices.

Can you provide a valuation of an item?

Sorry, we are unable to provide valuations. We are unable to respond to emails requesting valuations. If you have an item on which you require a valuation, we suggest you contact a dealer or auction house in the area in which you live.

Can you help me sell an item?

The same comment applies if you have items to sell. We suggest you contact a dealer or auction house in the area in which you live.

Can I contact the auction houses that contribute to your price guide?

Yes, for registered users, full pricing and contributor details are given for each item.

Can I purchase an item shown on your web site?

All items included in our price guide have been sold, so are no longer available for purchase.