A World War I commemorative embroidery, from the town of Albert, Somme valley, France. Brought back to New Zealand by a New Zealand serviceman in 1919. 42 x 43.5 cm
A framed silk World War I embroidery, with embroidered script 'Souvenir of Egypt 1916', a photo of a serviceman above a map and arms of Australia and the motto Advance Australia, 51 x 54 cm
Vintage framed embroidery 'Victory for the Allies' World War I hand embroidery, depicting Naval Victory, including the ensigns of the various allied countries. 42 cm X 45 cm
World War I period Embroidery. St George Slaying the dragon. Stitching done in the inside of a kit bag, purportedly by an unknown Italian soldier during World War I. The soldier was said to have fought alongside an Australian soldier in the trenches,…