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Australian sterling silver cup marked JB, approx 210 grams

JB Marked Sterling Silver Cup - 210g

Australian sterling silver cup marked JB, approx 210 grams

Russian silver Vodka cup, Moscow 1888, decorated in high relief…

Russian Silver Vodka Cup with Sword-Wielding Bogatyr

Russian silver Vodka cup, Moscow 1888, decorated in high relief with a sword brandishing Bogatyr with a shield at his left shoulder against a cloudy landscape background, maker's mark of Pavel Ovchinnikov,84 silver standard, height 5.5 cm, weight 62 cm

Miniature sterling silver 'America's' cup

Miniature Sterling Silver America's Cup Replica

Miniature sterling silver 'America's' cup

Eight Russian silver vodka cups. (8) total wt 168g

Set of 8 Russian Silver Vodka Cups - 168g Total

Eight Russian silver vodka cups. (8) total wt 168g

A small Victorian sterling silver beaker cup of tapered form…

Victorian Sterling Silver Twisted Flute Beaker Cup

A small Victorian sterling silver beaker cup of tapered form with twisted flute decoration. Birmingham, 1889. Height 7.5 cm

A Victorian sterling silver and lizard skin spirit flask with…

Victorian Lizard Skin Spirit Flask with Silver Top and Cup

A Victorian sterling silver and lizard skin spirit flask with silver hinged top and cup. London, 1890. Length 14.5 cm

Silver wager cup, London 1909, inscribed Grocers Hall 1910

Silver Grocers Hall Wager Cup, London 1909/1910

Silver wager cup, London 1909, inscribed Grocers Hall 1910