A pair of early Georgian lead garden statuettes, of putti with…
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A pair of early Georgian lead garden statuettes, of putti with amphorae raised on their shoulders. Height 450 and 47 cm.

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  • Lead Statuary and Objects - Lead is a soft, heavy, with a low melting point, making it suitable for detailed moulding. Because of its durability and resistance to corrosion it is suitable for outdoor applications, which has led to its extensive use in garden statues and objects since Roman times.

    It develops a silver-grey to lead-grey patina over time.

    For garden statuary and objects, it is also a less expensive material to use, than bronze or stone.

    However its softness is also a disadvantage as garden statuary made from lead is easily damaged, especially if moulded as a hollow, as for example, in a human or animal form.
  • Putto / Putti / Amorino / Amorini - A putto (plural: putti) or amerino (plural: amerini) is a cherub or cupid frequently appearing in both mythological and religious paintings and sculpture, especially of the Renaissance and Baroque periods and later used as a decorative element in the design of furniture, ceramics, statuary etc. They are usually depicted as chubby males, or of indeterminate gender, often with wings. Their depiction may represent an association with love, heaven, peace or prosperity.
  • Georgian - As an English stylistic period, Georgian is usually taken to cover the period from George I (1714) to the Regency of Prince George (1811-20), although the period from 1800 to 1830 is sometimes designated as the Regency period. During the Georgian period the great English cabinetmakers and designers such as Chippendale, Hepplewhite, Adam Sheraton etc., were all active.

    Therefore there isn't a single 'Georgian style' as such and to say something is 'Georgian', usually means it was made between 1714 and 1830. This assumes we discount George V and George VI, both being from the 20th century.

    The styles popular at the time of each reign were:

    George I (1714-1727) saw out the last years of the Baroque period.

    George II (1727-1760) reigned during the Rococo period.

    George III (1760-1820) saw the last gasp of the Rococo, all of the early Neo-Classic 'Adam style' and most of the later neo-Classic 'Regency style'.

    George IV (Prince Regent 1820-1830)encompassed the last of the 'Regency' style.

    William IV's reign (1830-1837) was something of a no man's land (stylistically) and he wasn't a 'George' anyway. He covered the last glimmerings of 'Regency' and the start of the 'Victorian' style.

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