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Coromandel calling poster by Nigel Brown, Reproduction by New…
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coromandel calling poster by Nigel Brown, Reproduction by New Zealand Printing Co. Hamilton. Height 49 cm, width 24 cm

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  • Calamander / Coromandel - Calamander wood, also known as coromandel wood or coromandel ebony, is a type of hardwood that comes from the Calamander tree (Diospyros quaesita), which is native to Sri Lanka, India, and Southeast Asia. The wood is known for its dark brown or black colour and its distinctive figuring, which can resemble a snakeskin pattern.

    The wood is highly prized for its beauty and durability. It is often used in fine furniture making, particularly in the production of inlaid and marquetry work, as well as in the making of boxes, cabinets, and other decorative items. It is also used in the manufacture of flooring, paneling and other architectural applications.

    Calamander wood is a very hard and heavy wood, it has a density of around 1.04 g/cm3. Its density and high natural oil content make it resistant to decay and insects, which is why it is a popular choice for outdoor furniture, flooring and other decorative items.

    The wood is also used for turning and carving, but is difficult to work due to its high density and interlocking grain. However, it takes a high natural polish and has a beautiful lustre, which is why it is so sought after.

    Due to the high demand and over-exploitation of the natural resources, the calamander tree is now a protected species, and the harvesting and export of the wood is heavily regulated.

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