19th century Australian cedar breakfast table, the circular top…
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19th century Australian cedar breakfast table, the circular top with a molded edge, raised on a large turned baluster support, above a trefoil base, on turned feet, height 73 cm and diameter 122 cm

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  • Turning - Any part of a piece of furniture that has been turned and shaped with chisels on a lathe. Turned sections include legs, columns, feet, finials, pedestals, stretchers, spindles etc. There have been many varieties and fashions over the centuries: baluster, melon, barley-sugar, bobbin, cotton-reel, rope-twist, and so on. Split turning implies a turned section that has been cut in half lengthwise and applied to a cabinet front as a false decorative support.
  • Baluster (furniture) - An architectural term for a column in a balustrade or staircase, often defined as a "vase shape". The shape is extensively used in furniture and decorative arts.

    In furniture, it is used to describe a chair or table leg turned in that form, or more usually as an inverted baluster, with the bulbous section to the top. Less commonly used to describe a chair back that has the outline of a baluster. A baluster may also be split and applied to the front of a cupboard for ornamentation.

    For ceramics and silver items it is often used to describe the shape of the whole item, rather than a part.

    In Georgian glassware, the shape is commonly seen in the stem of glasses.

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