Antique Continental silver plate ovoid footed bowl Circa 1890's,…
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Antique Continental silver plate ovoid footed bowl circa 1890's, twin handles and for feet, with cartouche and floral centre and ornate shell decoration, width 40 cm X depth 25 cm

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  • Cartouche - An ornamental panel in the form of of a shield, oval or rectangular scroll with curling edges. It may be carved into the back of a chair or the top of a sideboard, or present on a piece of silver or jewellery, and contain the initials of the original owner, heraldic symbols, or some other inscription, such as the details of a presentation.

    In ceramics the term defines the central area of a vase or similar with a decorative border in one of the shapes above, into which a decorative scene or figures have been painted.
  • Oviform /ovoid - The outline loosely resembling the shape of an egg.
  • Circa - A Latin term meaning 'about', often used in the antique trade to give an approximate date for the piece, usually considered to be five years on either side of the circa year. Thus, circa 1900 means the piece was made about 1900, probably between 1895 and 1905. The expression is sometimes abbreviated to c.1900.

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