Jaeger-Le Coultre Atmos clock, perpetual movement driven by…
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Jaeger-Le Coultre Atmos clock, perpetual movement driven by atmosphere changes. This is their classic square cased and square chapter ring model. Having advance and retard function, Arabic numerals at the four aparters and a square white chapter ring. The case and movement seem to be in excellent condition. H 24 cm.

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  • Movement - The technical name for the workings of a clock or watch, and does not include the dial or case.
  • Chapter Ring - A separate metal plate on the face of a clock, on which the numerals for the hours and sometimes parts of the hours, are displayed, usually wheel shaped and sitting on top of the dial plate. The chapter ring is often a feature of the clock and can be silvered or enamelled to stand as a contrast to its background. The hours are usually shown in Roman numerals, although in the late 19th and earlt 20th century, Arabic numerals became fashionable.

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