Portuguese silver ware, a large 916 silver circular twin handle…
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Portuguese silver ware, a large 916 silver circular twin handle tray with floral garland edging and a diameter of 44 cm. Weight:1.9kg. A 916 silver coffee pot with fluted bulbous form stepped circular base and floral decorative top with round ball finial. Height: 18 cm. Weight: 623.3 grams.A 916 silver tea pot with fluted bulbous form stepped circular base and floral decorative top with round ball finial. Height: 16.5 cm. Weight:587.2 grams. A twin handle 916 silver lidded sugar bowl with fluted bulbous form stepped circular base and floral decorative top with round ball finial. Height: 13 cm. Weight: 312.2grams. A 916 silver milk jug with fluted bulbous form stepped circular base and floral decrotive top. Height: 10.5 cm. Weight: 235.6 grams. All items are mark with a 916 stamp and Porto assay stamp.

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  • Finial - An architectural decoration, found on the upper parts of of an object. On furniture they are usually found on pediments, canopies and shelf supports. On smaller ceramic or silver items, such as spoons, they may decorate the top of the item itself, or the lid or cover where they provide a useful handle for removal.

    Finials have a variety of shapes and forms. They may be urn-shaped, baluster shaped round or spiral, but usually taper into an upper point. Many real life shapes may also be used as finials, such as pineapples, berries, pinecones, buds, lotus and acorns. Sometimes animals such as a lion are depicted, or fish and dolphins.
  • Assay / Assayed - Assaying is the testing of a metal, most commonly silver and gold to determine its ingredients and quality. In Britain, once an item of silver or gold has been assayed, a mark is stamped on it, certifying its purity. Known as hallmark, it derives its name from the Guild Hall of the Goldsmiths' Company, who recieved its Charter in 1327 giving it the power to assay and mark articles of gold and silver.
  • Floral Swag / Garland / Festoon - Floral swags are a decorative motif often used in the ornamentation of various objects, such as silverware, glassware, and furniture. The term "swag" refers to a garland or wreath of flowers, foliage, or other decorative elements, which is usually arranged in a loop or curve.

    Floral swags can be found in a variety of decorative styles, from ornate Baroque and Rococo designs to more naturalistic Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles. They are often used to add a touch of elegance, refinement, or whimsy to an object, and can be seen on a range of items from chandeliers and candlesticks to picture frames and tea sets.

    In the decoration of silver objects, floral swags are often used to accentuate the curves and lines of the piece, and to add visual interest to the surface. Similarly, on glass objects, floral swags may be used to frame or highlight a particular area of the object, or to add a touch of color and delicacy.

    On furniture, floral swags can be found on a variety of pieces, from cabinets and armoires to chairs and sofas. They are often used to enhance the lines and curves of the furniture, and can be used to create a sense of movement and flow in the design.

    Overall, floral swags are a versatile decorative element that can be adapted to a range of styles and applications, and have been used in the decoration of various objects throughout history.

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