A Chinese export silver card case, mid 20th century, the…
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A Chinese export silver card case, mid 20th century, the rectangular case with a hinged lid, the front engraved with a view of the temple of heaven (engraving signed Lin) an inscribed 'Peiping, China', the reverse with twin dragons centering a vacant cartouche, the underside stamped 'Sterling' and with maker's mark. Weight 111g length 8 cm, width 6 cm

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  • Cartouche - An ornamental panel in the form of of a shield, oval or rectangular scroll with curling edges. It may be carved into the back of a chair or the top of a sideboard, or present on a piece of silver or jewellery, and contain the initials of the original owner, heraldic symbols, or some other inscription, such as the details of a presentation.

    In ceramics the term defines the central area of a vase or similar with a decorative border in one of the shapes above, into which a decorative scene or figures have been painted.

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