Sterling silver square form card tray, together with two…
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sterling silver square form card tray, together with two sterling silver sauce boats, one example adorned with griffin handle, 19th and 20th century, (3 items), the tray 16 cm wide, 394 grams total

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  • Griffin / Griffon / Gryphon - A griffin, also known as a griffon or gryphon, is a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle. It is typically depicted as a powerful and majestic beast, with the body and legs of a lion and the head, wings, and talons of an eagle. The griffin is widely recognized as a symbol of strength, courage, and guardianship, and has been used in a variety of cultures throughout history.

    In ancient mythology, the griffin was often associated with the gods and was considered a symbol of divine power. In ancient Greece, for example, the griffin was associated with the sun god Helios, while in ancient Egypt, it was associated with the goddess Hathor. In medieval European heraldry, the griffin was used as a symbol of strength, valour, and protection, and was often featured on the coats of arms of noble families.
  • Sterling Silver - Sterling silver is a mixture of 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% of another metal, usually copper. Fine silver is 99.9% pure silver, and is relatively soft and the addition of the very small amount of copper gives the metal enough strength and hardness to be worked into jewellery, decorative and household objects.

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