A vintage chess set, malachite and onyx, 20th century, the…
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A vintage chess set, malachite and onyx, 20th century, the board 32 cm wide

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  • Malachite - Malachite is bright copper-green coloured stone with concentric layers which displays distinct contrasting veinings. It has been valued in the past for making or decorating small precious objects such as clocks, jewellery, dishes and so. In the Orient it was used for snuff bottles and in Russia and was favoured by the Faberge workshop. larger pieces were used for table tops.

    The principal source of supply was Russia but it is to be found in other regions such as Southern Africa, Mexico, Australia and France.

    Malachite glass is a manufactured material that was intended to resemble malachite, but often bears more resemblance to a veined coloured marble due to its lower gloss finish and lack of concentric layers. Malachite glass was manufactured by many glassworks in the 19th century including Loetz in Austria and others in Bohemia and Davidson's Greener's and Sowerby in north eastern England.

    It was particularly used for scent bottles, bowls, and small vases often decorated with nymphs.

    Malachite glass has been manufactured continuously since the late nineteenth century, most is unmarked and it is difficult to distinguish the age or manufacturer of most commercial pieces.
  • Onyx - Onyx is a form of agate, used from antiquity and popular again in the 1920s and 30s. European onyx is generally green, but can be many other colours, and can contain bands of black and/or white.

    This multicoloured stone is widely used for table tops, lamp bases and in jewellery. Some types of onyx are also used for cameos of which the upper white layer is cut away to reveal the colour beneath.

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