A rare Crown Lynn Slipcast daisy vase, '2093' and 'Made in New…
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A rare Crown Lynn Slipcast daisy vase, '2093' and 'Made in New Zealand' to base. Hairline ___C4AAf9DB-0A7A-C01C-977F6EAD94C0103C___ to one side. Af, height 17 cm, width 11.5 cm, depth 11.5 cm

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This item has been sold, and the description, image and price are for reference purposes only.
  • A/f, as Inspected - The letters "A/F" or "as inspected" as part of a description is the cataloguer's shorthand for "all faults" or "as found", meaning the item has some type of damage or deficiency, it is of uncertain date or provenance, and/or that the seller takes no responsibility for the completeness of the item or the accuracy of the description.
  • Firing Crack - A firing crack is a crack in a porcelain or stoneware item that occurs whilst the item is in the kiln.They are usually caused by faulty design, where one part is thicker than the surrounding area, and being thicker it cools more slowly, setting up a stress with the surrounding area. Firing cracks are not often seen on modern mass produced porcelain, as the damaged items are discarded during prooduction. However they are seen in earlier items and artisan-produced objects.

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