A Murano glass bird statue with gold inclusions, 39 cm high
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A Murano glass bird statue with gold inclusions, 39 cm high

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  • Inclusions - Inclusions in glass objects refer to small, often irregularly shaped particles or bubbles that are trapped within the glass during the manufacturing process. These inclusions can be intentional or unintentional, and can range in size, shape, and composition.

    Intentional inclusions are often added to the glass for decorative purposes, and can include materials such as colored glass, metallic foils, or even small mementos like photographs or other objects. These intentional inclusions are typically added to the glass while it is still in a molten or semi-molten state and are then moulded or blown into the final shape of the object.

    Unintentional inclusions, on the other hand, are typically the result of impurities or air bubbles that become trapped within the glass during the manufacturing process. These inclusions can be seen as small specks or bubbles within the glass, and can sometimes be a sign of poor quality control during production.

    While intentional inclusions can be a desirable feature of some glass objects, unintentional inclusions can sometimes be seen as a defect, and can reduce the value of a piece. However, in some cases, certain types of unintentional inclusions can actually increase the value of a piece, such as with antique glass that contains bubbles or other imperfections that are characteristic of the time period in which it was made.

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