19th century Tunbridge Ware tea caddy, of rectangular form, the…
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19th century Tunbridge Ware tea caddy, of rectangular form, the cover set with oval roundel displaying two figures, surrounded by ebony and inlaid borders, opening to two fitted compartments with covers, 12.5 cm x 19 cm x 11.5 cm

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  • Roundel - A roundel is a circular disk, medallion or border on a plate or dish, on an object of furniture. A plate or dish will often have a central circular bordered decoration, termed a roundel. In furniture the word is often used instead of the word 'patera' to describe a turned circular decoration. In recent times use of the word has expanded to encompass any circular area on an object.
  • Ebony - Ebony is a close grained timber, black in colour. It has a fine texture which can be polished to a high gloss, making it suitable for venereering, inlay and stringing and its use as solid timber is resticted to small decorative items and ornamental decoration, such as chess pieces and musical instrument parts. The term "ebonised" means "faux ebony", timber that has been darkened during the polishing process to resemble ebony.

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